This was to be our engagemnet photo.
This was the bridal shower that Janine Montoya threw and held at her house in August. Her sister Dyan gave the devotion and half of Valley Bible Church attended! My Mommy and Regina flew in for it, too!
The day of my first bridal shower.
Peter flew in a week before our wedding so we could do all the last minute stuff together (like apply for a marriage liscence). This photo was taken in the alley behind some stores where we were collecting boxes for my move to California.
Mama took this right before our wedding rehearsal.
Right before I married my love, Peter Guy.
With my sisters right before the wedding ceremony.
Peter and Veronique Guy
October 6,2001
This is my favorite wedding picture.
We do not have many of these pictures as it was just beginning to rain and we all dashed inside( I almost ripped my dress in the process, too!). Some people say that it is good luck for it to rain on your wedding day. I like to think of it as heaven's kisses.
I married Peter Guy on the third anniversary of Daddy's death. I thought my Mother was very strong and full of the joy of the Lord all that day, but she is every day, too.
Veronique with her two mothers who are wonderful role models and friends.
Veronique with Audrey McCready, our little bell girl.
With all of Peter's sisters, all of my sisters, and Caitlin Davis, my dear friend since childhood.
Peter with his groomsmen:Vann Brock, David Davis, Barak Davis, Eric Bircsak, Peter, Darrell Bircsak, Gary Gilchrist, Phil Christian, and  R.J. Nicolosi.
The wedding ceremony. Pastor Brian Anderson married us, one of my Daddy's best friends.
Caitlin Davis and Gary Gilchrist.
Abby Guy and Phil Christian.
Jane Guy and Barak Davis.
Anna Guy and David Davis.
Noel Guy and Vann Brock
Donna Guy and Eric Bircsak
Regina Nicolosi and R.J. Nicolosi
Matron of Honor, Vanessa Brock
Audrey McCready, our bell girl. I could not see her, but I could hear her bell as she walked our wedding aisle, ringing in the bride.
I love the look on Peter's face in this picture. As I was waiting to walk down that aisle to marry him, I could see his face through the doors, and  it brought joy to my heart!
Dr. Barney Davis gave me away to my husband, for he is like a father to me and loved my Daddy as a brother. He wore a yellow rose in honor and memory of my Daddy.
Not a trace of anxiety entered my heart all that day, and I enjoyed every moment of our wedding!
Giving me away. From God, unto God.
I love the expression on my Mother's face.
It all looked and felt like a dream, a very real dream!
The exchanging of vows and rings.
After Peter put my ring on my finger he kissed my hand! It was very romantic!
The lighting of the unity candle. Peter was so afraid that my veil would catch fire that he lit the candle for us with his, but I did get to blow mine out!
We were really and truely allowed to kiss! And then the photographer asked us to do it again! Everyone laughed, and it was a better picture (and kiss :) the second time!
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Guy!
We practically ran down that aisle! Ode to Joy!
We had just dismissed the congregation of wedding guests row by row in lue of a reception line. It was really fun!
My handsome groom!
The happiest day of my life.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Guy.
Love...and cherish...forever.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Guy with Pastor Brian Anderson.
Dr. Barney Davis, Peter, Veronique, and Mama
Ken, Peter, Veronique, and Peggy Guy
Our wedding party in front of Bethlehem Baptist Church
Our wedding party
Driving to the reception.
Cutting the cake.
Lovely phone cord! :)
Rebekah Beohler and Susan Brock were pinning up my bustle hem so I wouldn't be trampled on.
I was absolutely starving!
Jane, Anna, and Barak sang a song of blessing to us before we went away. I had never seen anyone do that before, it was very sweet!
David and Barak Davis sang "You Fill Up My Senses" by John Denver.
Appropriate for the beginning of a honeymoon!
I love the sound of bells! This picture is great: Mama had just noticed that her bell had fallen off the ribbon tied to it, so she waved goodbye. Makes me laugh every time I look at it!
The photographer asked us to wave goodbye.
This was the end of a spectacular day and the beginning of a wonderful adventure with my new husband, my love, my Peter.
We stayed in a bed and breakfast farm house in Pennsylvania for a day and absolutely loved it! They had cows, goats, pigs, chickens, and a pet Crow that they named Edgar! Our hostess took this picture for us.
Peter took this picture of me while I was talking to our hostess. She had given me some seeds from her ground cover we had been admiring.
This is how I saw my husband most of our honeymoon. :) We drove from Georgia to Maine and back again in three weeks!
New Hampshire was probably the most beautiful place we stayed. One of my favorite memories of that trip was Sunday morning in NH. The Church bells were ringing as we walked to the little Methodist church at the end of the street. It was a white church with a steeple, stained glass windows, wooden pews, and the word of God preached. The people there insisted that we make a return trip in five years for our anniversary!
We stopped at this park expressly to watch the sunset over the water. I thought my new husband made a better view! :)
This was the road from New Hampshire to Maine, a spectacular drive!
Winter Harbor, Maine
Peter was exploring the coastline when he called to me to come see this small inlet. The sound was incredible when the waves would rush in.
Peter got soaked! These waves were tremendous and the wind was so cold and strong that I could not keep still to get a good picture. But that's one of the things I love about Peter, he has this innate curiosity that would take him to the edge of all caution and bring him back again wiser and still more curious!
We stopped by Maryland on our way back to Georgia and stayed in Will and Dorothy Howard's bed and breakfast (where I used to live with my family) and met my Mother and Regina there. Talbot Bible Church threw a bridal shower for me that Sunday, and Will took us to The Crab Claw that weekend.
Peter's family gave a second reception for us in California a month after our wedding.  My mother and Regina flew out for it, and Mama took these pictures.
...And they lived happily ever after. ;)